KTV/4125,4208 – Antropomotorics

Study materials

01Introduce to AntropomotoricsBasic characteristics of statistical datasets
02Human Movement ClassesCharacteristics of basic sampling techniques and theoretical breakdowns of frequencies
03Motion charactersTesting statistical hypotheses - independent samples
04Testing and AssessmentT test for dependent samples (Paired T test)
05LateralityCalculation and interpretation of the correlation coefficient
07AbilitiesEvaluation and standardisation of motor performance
08SomatotypesOrdinal data correlation, Contingency table
09Performance ZOZPercentages, Non-parametrics test
10Motor development characteristicsTEST
11ChillhoodReliability and Validity
12Adolescence and adulthoodReliability and Validity II
13Adulthood and old ageTEST
14Panel DiscussionEvaluation

Exam Questions (2021/2022)

  1. Anthropometrics as a scientific and pedagogical discipline. Concept, development, subject matter, relation to other sciences. Anthropometric methods.
  2. Human motor activity. Characteristics of human movement, free movement. Signs of human movement. Motoring, mobility. Difference between human and animal motor skills. Classes of human movement. Motor areas. Motion control. Signs of movement.
  3. Motion act and its structure. Motion structure of the acyclic and cyclic act, examples from practice. Motion combination. Movement activity – concept, characteristic and status quo.
  4. Physical exercises. Definition of origin and development. Main aspects of physical exercise. Motor performance and motor performance. Measuring (judging) performance. Sportsmanship. Determining the performance of an individual, a group. Sexual performance differentiation. Examples from practice.
  5. Motor fitness. Health and performance-oriented fitness. Definitions, components, diagnostics, development.
  6. Conditional motor skills — taxonomy, structure, biological background. Diagnostics, methods and means of development.
  7. Coordinating and hybrid mobility skills — taxonomy, structure, biological background. Diagnostics, typical methods and means of development.
  8. Motion skills – a concept, a difference from ability. Skill as a result of learning, a cyber scheme of the sensory-motor system. Sporting skill. Skill transfer. Interference.
  9. Motion laterality. Basic concepts, genetic conditionality, theories of the origin of laterality. Major forms of expression laterality - hand, foot, spin, eye. Didactic aspects of laterality manifestations. Examples from practice.
  10. Somatotype. Morphological assumptions of motoring. Characteristics and components. A graphic and numeric record. Methods of identification and their historical development.
  11. Statistical sorting of measured data, types of scales, frequency distribution, normal distribution model, deviation. Basic mathematical-statistical characteristics of the population (measures, positions, dispersion) and their importance for analysing the measured data.
  12. General principles and principles in testing hypotheses. Material and statistical significance. Testing the significance of the difference between the two sample averages.
  13. Basic types of dependency between phenomena, correlation count and its use. Use of correlation counts when studying the structure of movement abilities. Use of correlation counts in the standardization of motor tests. Reliability and test validity
  14. Basic principles and use of motor performance standards, examples. The essence of setting motor performance standards. The nature and design of the standard Z and T scales, examples and practices. The nature and design of percentages, moans, examples of practice.
  15. Characteristics of base empirical methods in human motor studies (observations, measurements). Assessment — checklist, assessment scales. Matching comparisons. Collective judgment. Errors in judgment.
  16. Human motor development, methodological aspects of motor development. Factors of development, influence of heredity and environment. Periodisation of the human age, Stage characteristics. Acceleration and retardation in motor development.
  17. Intrauterine development and neonatal development, infancy and early childhood. Pre-school childhood.
  18. School childhood. Pubescence. Adolescence.
  19. Younger adulthood. Middle and older adulthood. Old age.
  20. Motor tests, definition and division. Test batteries, Czech, foreign. The importance of motor. tests in school TV, sports training and research work. The importance of motor testing for the selection of athletically talented youth. Talent selection.



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